Friday, August 01, 2008

Transparency Site Makes Resource Disparity Crystal-Clear

We don't often find ourselves on the same side of the aisle as the folks over at the Manhattan Institute, but the institute's new transparency website, SeeThroughNY, is illuminating to say the least. The site allows users to look through information on state government spending -- and it isn't pretty. A quick comparison of two rank-and-file members of the Senate who were elected in the same year shows that the majority member spent more than double the amount spent by the minority member on operations, personnel, mail, and travel.

The site has been so busy in its first 24 hours that it's still moving a little slowly - a story on WNYC this morning suggests that the bulk of the traffic is from state employees checking out their peers' salaries. Bad news, perhaps, for morale amongst minority staffers.

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