Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Daily Gotham Readers Weigh In on the Top New York Political Issue

The Daily Gotham reported today on a poll it took over the last month, asking its readers to respond to the question, “What’s your top New York political issue in 2007?”

We were gratified to see that the plurality of votes, 47%, went to “legislative dysfunction, Brennan Center reforms.” Two of our other top issues, election reform and campaign finance reform, came in second with 14%.

The DG characterized their findings:
The results show an interesting divergence between what our readers want and what most New York blogs seem to be writing about. Nobody cares about the Presidential race...as much as about the need to reform Albany.
While we do find presidential politics fascinating, we at ReformNY will continue to keep you up to date on the issues closest to our hearts: legislative reform, voting, campaign finance reform, redistricting, and judicial selection!

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