Thursday, March 06, 2008

No Fault Absentee Voting in New York?

We see that Assemblywoman Sandy Galef (D-Ossining) has introduced a bill that would make it far easier for New Yorkers to vote by absentee ballot, regardless of whether they were actually out of town on Election Day.

This seems like a good idea if it doesn't make it more difficult for New Yorkers to vote at their local polling places on Election Day. It does not appear that Assemblywoman Galef's proposal would do that.

At the same time, it should be pointed out that vote by mail is more complex than many proponents believe. Before implementing no fault absentee voting, it would be imperative for the State Board to do some significant study and implement proceudres to ensure that the post-office delivered and handled ballots equitably and appropriately, that voter privacy was protected, and that we don't have problems like this.

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